Lightyear Frontier is a newly released sprawling adventure game developed by FRAME BREAK and Amplifier Studios that takes place on a peaceful planet on the galaxy’s edges. Gathering resources is one of the essential parts of the game and if you want to increase the carrying capacity check out our comprehensive guide below.
There are certain limits on the total weight of items you can carry at a given time. Your mech has a carrying capacity of 60 by default, and if you cross this, an encumbered warning appears on your screen. Your mech can support additional weight with three different upgrade levels.
Inventory Capacity I
It requires 5 Aluminum Electronics which you can produce from Assembler using 2x Aluminum Rods and 1x Copper Wire. Aluminum is available at Meadows while Copper can be found in the Edge Cliffs.
When you have this upgrade, your carry limit goes up from 60 to 90. It is useful if you plan to gather materials across different areas for building more things.
Inventory Capacity II and III would mean upgrading your Vacuum Harvester, especially due to Noxious Weeds that are present when exploring Lightyear Frontier.
Inventory Capacity II
It requires 5x Batteries which you can produce at an Assembler with 2x Copper Ore from Edge Cliffs and 3x Zappertwig Seeds from Yellow Forest. Clear the area before planting the seeds.
Inventory capacity III
It requires 5x Batteries and 5x Fractalite Bars. Similarly, get the batteries as explained above and make Fractalite Bars by extracting Fractalite Ore found in the Lowland Plains. You will require an enhanced Vacuum Harvester plus a Spike Saw for this.